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[Update 12/27/11] – Congratulations to member ealis for winning the Holiday Giveaway Day 24!As promised, I’ve added a much desired and very useful how to to the BurdaStyle How To database! With style and functionality continuing to merge together as they have in the past few years, pockets have prevailed! Following the instructions found in this How To, you will know how to sew inseam pockets- my personal favorite of all the pocket varieties available. And if you’ve made your own pocket pattern, with the help of this how to, from scratch, or by rubbing it off an existing garment, you are set! This pattern can be used over and over again with as many creations as you’d like! So don’t sit there with your hands in your pockets—- start sewing!. . . and then put your hands in your pockets!

For my BurdaStyle readers only, I’m giving away a copy of my book, Button Ware. Tell me about some of the more remarkable one’s you’ve found…or about your favorite one…or about something you’ve made using vintage or unique buttons…and you could be the winner of the book. Please leave your comments by 9:30 am EST on Wednesday, February 23rd to be eligible to win!

Smashing Darling believes in stories that last, in clothes that communicate an identity, and in fashion that shines far beyond this season’s magazines. They are strong believers in personal style, and want to provide people with access to independent fashion designers from across the U.S. and help them find those one-of-a-kind pieces that will make a girlfriend ask: where did you get that? Smashing Darling encourages you to connect, inspire and be inspired—dare to be yourself.

October’s Limited Edition Pattern Kit is on sale now! Take a look at what’s inside. This month, we’re sewing up the member favorite Open Back Dress.The BurdaStyle Kit of the Month provides everything you need to create your own customized version of a popular Burda pattern, all in one discounted package. Start off with a PDF pattern and in-depth sewing tutorial. Bonus

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